Scribblesaurus Me has MOVED!

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Holy Balls That Was UG-LAY

Wow - I really do have to apologize to anyone who had the misfortune to stumble into my blog this morning. I was trying to add a new banner and some of you poor people might have jumped on when there was a MASSIVE picture of my nose and part of my eyeball at the top filling up a good portion of your screen. You could probably see if I had a 'bad habit' if you know what I mean, and I think you do. And no, I don't - not that you could have discovered anyways since wine doesn't go up your nose.

Jeebus - my nose is big enough without the 700% zoom....

Please come back, I promise I won't do it again. I will leave the html editing to my husband from now on who, when he hears about this latest escapade, will look at me sort of how he looks at E when he's trying to learn new small motor skills. Related: I kind of like to pronounce 'escapade' as 'es-KAH-pod' since it sounds more exotic that way.

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